Protek Elektroteknik provides supervision and inspection services with its expert and distinguished staff.
It positions all its certifications on this main branch and works within the scope of ISO 9001 and 17020 standards.
Our company is a Type A Independent Inspection Organization accredited by TÜRKAK. (File Nr: 0416)

What We Do:
1.Electrical Installation Inspection
2.Grounding Installation Inspection
3.Lightning Protection Installation Inspection
4.Operational Responsibility in Electrical High Voltage Installations
5.Energy Analysis and Harmonics
6.Thermal Camera Analysis
7.Leakage Current Tests
8.PAT Tests
9.Consultancy Services
10.Lightning Protection Risk Analysis
11.Generator Periodic Inspection
12.Cathodic Protection Inspection
13.Accumulator Inspection
14.Inspection of Facilities with Explosive Atmosphere Hazard